EXIT is a dark drama series based on true stories from Norway's financial scene. The series takes place inside this secret, exclusive world, where four friends from the west side of Oslo are looking for an exit from their everyday lives. They share a distinct narcissistic bent, and successful-looking lives, but their days become a constant juggling act of obligations, money, and lies. They share everything, but their internal code puts their existence as millionaires and family men in conflict with their hunger for violence, drugs, and sex. Follow their lives across their estates on Oslo's west side, their high-rise offices, vacation homes in Norway and abroad, and the exclusive party pad they own together, unknown to their spouses. EXIT is based on real stories obtained through interviews with four highly successful real-life investors in Oslo. This is a reality that exists right in the open, but remains invisible. Perhaps because the truth remains far stranger, darker, and more hollow than fiction? This is EXIT.
Movie time
30 min
Directed by
Agnes Kittelsen, Simon J. Berger, Tobias Santelmann
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